Monday, October 13, 2008

I know my mom's.. voice

my brain already recognizes my mom's voice, i think..

This morning, my NFF (New Found Friend) Armin paid me a visit.. While he was chatting with my mom, I kept on turning sideways since I'm on a computer chair, then I look down so that I won't see who's talking.. So I was playing guessing game.. 'maybe my mom is talking', then I'll look at them and I'm correct! I looked away again but my mom is so talkative! The sound I'm hearing is still the same.. Then there was a change in the sound.. 'maybe Armin finally talked', and he is talking when I raised my head.. I don't recognize his voice but I'm already familiar with the tone of my mom's voice.. We tried it again this afternoon, this time with Janna.. It wasn't 100% successful since the tv is distracting.. But yes, I think I recognize her voice already.. I still can't understand though.. soon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Did someone called my name?